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Engagement Club Reading List #24
Connecting with other writers — 29th of January 2023
The Engagement Club participants connect with other Medium writers that shared one of their published stories with the club. You are welcome to join and participate.
The next list will be posted on Sunday, 5th of February 2023. Today’s reading list has 5 stories.
Reading list expectations for participants
Please read, or listen to, all the stories until the end. Engage with the authors by leaving a meaningful comment.
If you have previously read the story shared in this list, please visit the writer’s profile and choose an alternative story to read. I am sure the writer will appreciate it.
Reading list number 24 participant stories:
Angie Mangino:
“Listening to her voice telling of some calling her too religious, others calling her too radical, I could relate to such accusations. My own feelings of never quite fitting the mold that society dictates stirred.”