Member-only story
Reading | Community
Engagement Club Reading List #38
Read and connect with other participants — 7th of May 2023
Participants share one of their stories in return for reading all stories on the reading list.
You are welcome to participate by sending me a link to a story you want to share in next week’s reading list in the comment section of this post or any Engagement Club post.
Important — please send your story’s link before 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time on Saturday, 13th of May 2023, to be included in the next reading list.
Here is this week’s edition of the engagement club’s reading list. Welcome to Dr. Preeti Singh, a new participant of The Engagement Club. I trust you will enjoy the interaction with other participants.
Today’s reading list has 10 stories.
Reading list expectations for participants
Please read, or listen to, all the stories until the end and engage with the authors.
If you have previously read the story shared in this list, please visit the writer’s profile and choose an alternative story to read. I am sure the writer will appreciate it.