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Weight loss, Exercise, Health
Strategies To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Based on research ideas that worked well for me.
Losing belly fat is an important goal for many people, including me. Some belly fat seems to have a nasty resistant streak to it.
In this short article, I will discuss a couple of strategies that worked well for me to lose some of the rolls around my midriff.
What is belly fat?
There are mainly two types of fat in the body. Subcutaneous fat is stored directly underneath the skin layer. It is the visible rolls around our midriffs and we can feel it when pinching our skin (Source 1).
Visceral body fat is stored deep inside the abdomen. The Harvard Health article (Source 1) states that it is “wrapped around the organs, including the liver and intestines.”
Visceral fat’s purpose is to protect the organs. Hence, its resistant streak. It makes up about one-tenth of all the fat stored in the body.
Visceral fat “makes proteins called cytokines, which can trigger low-level inflammation,” which is a risk factor for chronic illnesses (Sources 2 & 3).