Member-only story

Reading | Engagement | Community

The Engagement Club

Reading list number 8 will be posted on Sunday, 2nd October. Connect and engage with other writers by sharing one of your published stories.

Jason Edmunds


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The Engagement Club is a reading club where we read each other’s stories and connect with each other. The participation process is easy as you decide which of your published stories you would like to share with the community.

The benefits of sharing a story

In sharing a story with the community via the weekly reading list you get to meet new writers and the opportunity to engage with them and appreciate their interests, skills, and life experiences.

Want to participate in The Engagement Club?

As a participant, we ask that you commit to reading and engaging with other writers’ stories on the reading list.

Please note: If you do not engage with other writers by reading their stories, clapping, and leaving a comment you risk being removed from future Engagement Club reading lists.

Follow the simple guidelines below to participate in Sunday, 2nd October’s reading list.



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