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The Engagement Club

9th October 2022 — Engagement Club Reading List 9

Jason Edmunds


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (cropped)

The Engagement Club is a reading club where we connect and engage with other Medium writers. Share a link to one of your stories in exchange for reading other participants’ stories.

The Engagement Club Reading List stories:

Please read, or listen to, the stories until the end. Engage with the authors by leaving a meaningful comment.

If you have read the story shared in this list previously I suggest you visit the writer’s profile and choose an alternative story to read.

Angie Mangino:
“Shock of all shocks, with not dieting at all, I began to lose weight and found I had an increase in energy. The best was the relief from what seemed to have become a chronic debilitating pain in my shoulder.”

Cristina Cattai:
“As to be clear on what we’re talking about, I’ll tell you this: I’m perfectly fine in my comfort zone. I struggled a lot to



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