You Are Powerful
a reminder that the universe’s energy and wisdom live within you.
Living life;
Ups and downs,
Clinging creatively on for dear life.
Stressful encounters,
whirlpools sucking and tugging
look up at the sky, head held high.
It will pass.
Pencil lines fading with age
Life’s clock ticks a rhythmic therapeutic beat.
Negative circumstances,
disappearing into a hazy mist.
Our inner sun shines brightly and positively.
Hope is powerful.
Believe in yourself, your power.
Only you can make a difference in your life.
Living life;
You are a powerful being,
The universe’s energetic wisdom spring is within you.
When difficult or stressful times arise, there is something extraordinary about receiving a heartfelt message like “Hamba Kahle.” It is a traditional Zulu greeting that means literally “walk nicely, or stay safe.”
It is a wish from a person that your journey will be smooth and without trouble. It is also a gentle reminder to navigate life’s journey with grace
and kindness.
In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, it is inspiring to witness the power of positive energy and good vibes.
If you find yourself facing hardships and embrace it wholeheartedly. Let it guide you towards brighter days ahead.
“Hamba Kahle, walk nicely, and safely,” dear reader.